**SPECIAL OFFER – Get your Free Valentine’s Date Mini-Report! This is a fun way to get some ideas and inspiration for you and your partner this Valentine’s Day season. Find out how to align your love languages for a fun date night that you both will enjoy.
In this episode, I provided a mini-training on the different kinds of Definition we can find in the Chart. I go over the difference between “Defined and Undefined”, and the four kinds of Definition we can find – Single, Split, Triple Split and Quadruple Split Definition. I give examples of each in real charts of musicians/songwriters you may know and how each kind of Definition may be inclined to create or enjoy music. You can access the full video for this episode at the Patreon Page. If you need to look up your own chart to see what kind of definition you have, go to my website annawithintention.love
Below is a transcription of the podcast:
Welcome to Music By Design, the podcast where we explore human design through the music we love.
In season one, we got curious about why we love the music we do.
And now in season two, we will go deeper with more interviews with songwriters and musicians from central New York and beyond.
Join me, Anna, with intention on this musical exploration of energetics, creativity, storytelling, and life.
Before we begin today’s episode, I wanted to let you know about a free resource that is now available.
If you go to the show notes, you can get your very own Valentine’s date mini report.
This is the first time I have available a mini report that includes two charts.
So you can run the data for both you and your partner and get a fun little recommendation on a way to plan and maybe spice up your Valentine’s Day date night this year.
Grab it in the show notes.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Music By Design.
Welcome to Aquarius Season and the new format of the podcast.
So here we are in the second of a three-part kind of episode cluster, if you will.
So the way I’m gonna do it for now, until I decide it’s not working, we’re gonna see how this goes, where the first episode will be an interview-based episode, and that’s what you heard last week with my interview with Sean.
The second episode, which is this one, is where I’m going to explain a little bit more in depth an aspect of Sean’s human design, or whoever I interviewed.
I’m gonna go into more depth about one aspect of their design and teach it in a way that’s a little bit more broad strokes.
Now, and then the third episode of The Chunk is going to be about upcoming transits for the next month.
Specifically, I may hone in on one specific transit, but I’ll broadly cover some of the major ones that I see happening.
And recommendations of music that can help you tune in to the transit that is occurring and support you.
So in this episode, there is an accompanying video.
It’s basically going to be like a little video training that you can access if you are a member of the Patreon, $2 a month, you get access to some free content.
And as well as all the charts from every episode.
And we’re also going to be doing more giveaways this year, specifically of some merchandise that the artists that I’m interviewing have to offer, whatever they want to contribute.
So it’s pretty cool.
It’s definitely worthwhile for $2 a month.
You have the possibility to win some stuff, win some musical stuff, maybe some t-shirts, records, digital downloads, stickers, whatever they’ve got, possibly even tickets to a show.
And you get more free content.
I want to have a nice place to create more human design training that can benefit you in helping you understand your design a little bit more.
So in this episode, we’re going to talk about definition in the chart.
Before we get into that, a few other notes about the podcast and changes.
So right now, I’m releasing these episodes, this cluster on Fridays, just like all the ones in the previous year were released on a Friday.
However, I may experiment and play with different days of the week that I release these, just to see if the download numbers change at all.
I’m curious to see if there’s a difference between me releasing episodes on a Monday versus a Friday or a Tuesday or a Thursday and so on and so forth.
So I will do my best to keep up with emailing my list.
If you are on the email list, I try to send out a little notice when these episodes do come out.
If you’re not on the list, check out the show notes and just get on the email list.
I send out updates when emails come out, as well as when I’m doing sales and promotions.
And the emails usually have some sort of content about Human Design in there as well.
So, Patreon, go to www.patreon.com/musicbydesign, sign up for $2 a month, get access to everything.
You will automatically be entered in giveaways if you are a $2 a month member.
That’s all the housekeeping for right now.
Welcome here to this wonderful training on definition.
So, definition in the chart.
When we talk about definition, we often refer to it as defined or undefined.
Now, what does that mean?
And if you think about what the word definition is, when you look up the definition of something, it’s like this concrete, steady, socially agreed upon meaning of a word.
Well, definition in the chart is sort of this concrete way that you have access to certain energy.
Where you are undefined is more variable.
So if you look at these charts I have on the screen here, if you’re listening along, just imagine you see a chart on the left that has all the energy centers are white.
They have little numbers highlighted in them, but there are no colored in defined energy centers.
That is a reflectors chart.
In the center here, we have a chart that has mostly white centers, but there are two centers that are fully defined.
The identity center, the yellow diamond in the center is defined, and the will center just off to the right is colored in defined.
So anything in the chart that’s colored in is what we call defined.
Anything that is white or not colored in is undefined.
You can have a single defined gate.
You can have a fully defined channel, or you can have a defined center.
And what makes a defined center is when two gates are defined that are on either side of a channel.
When both gates are defined, you get a fully defined channel.
And you have a channel that connects two centers that is defined.
Those two centers automatically become defined.
So, it’s impossible to have only one center defined, because you have to have a channel connecting two centers together in order to get a fully defined center.
So, you can have no centers defined.
You can have two centers defined.
You can have three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine centers defined.
But you can never have just one.
On the far right of this slide here, you see we have another chart that has way more definition.
This chart has eight centers defined and only one center undefined.
So, just getting you familiar with the terms defined and undefined.
Defined means it’s colored in, and that means you have consistent, reliable access to that energy expression of whatever that archetype is.
All these numbers, channels, and centers all represent different archetypal energy.
Wherever you are undefined is where you have inconsistent variable access.
You usually get access to the energies either through the transits or when you come in contact with other people who have the energy defined, or you make an electromagnetic together.
That’s getting a little ahead of us, but we’re just going to stay focused on the types of definition that are in the chart.
In the episode with Sean that came out last week, we talked about his split definition.
He has the head and ajna defined, and he has the identity and throat defined.
But they’re two separate groups.
There’s just where he’s, he had one connection in the throat to connect up to the ajna.
He would have single definition, but without that connection, he has split definition.
So we’re going to talk about what the differences are in what that all means.
So if you have your chart, you can look at it usually somewhere either on the left hand side or below your chart.
It’ll say what kind of definition it’ll say either single, it’ll say split, it’ll say triple or quadruple.
If you don’t have your chart, you can go to my website, AnnaWithIntention.Love, and right there on the home page, you can enter all your birth info and pull up your own chart and scroll, you know, underneath the chart is a whole bunch of info on what the different aspects of your chart are.
So if you don’t know what kind of definition you have, go look up your chart right now and then come back.
So we’re going to move on to the first kind of definition is what we call single definition.
About 41 percent of the population has single definition.
I have single definition.
I’ll show you some examples of single definition in a moment.
And all this means is that whatever centers are colored in, defined in the chart, they’re all connected together through channels in some way.
There’s no splits.
There’s no gaps in that connection.
And what this usually means is that someone who has single definition, they don’t necessarily need anyone else to feel whole or complete on their own.
There can, it can sometimes feel like other people get in your way.
It can feel like, you know, there can be, I guess what we call, like lone wolf syndrome a little bit with this.
Because you definitely still need people.
Don’t get me wrong.
This is not an absolute, this is just one of many aspects of the chart.
But this is a pretty big piece where all your centers talk to each other and communicate and process information pretty fluidly.
And at the same time, this can mean that you take in and process information and energy and all of that pretty quickly.
So it can be, pay attention, it can be easy to get frustrated with other people who take a little bit more time, who are a little bit slower.
It can feel like sometimes you can just feel like everybody else is so slow.
But it’s just that this is one of your superpowers.
And just remember to be compassionate for others when it comes to this sort of thing.
Here on the next slide, you can see, I have Jess Brown’s chart on the left and my chart on the right.
They’re two different ways, two different potentials for how you can have single definition.
You see hers, she has the one channel that connects the two centers, the 2551 channel.
Mine, I have four centers to find.
So you can see I have the throat connects to the identity center and that same channel, the 20, the 20 gate connects to gate 34 in my sacral, as well as the 10 in the identity.
This is what we call integration circuitry.
I’ll do another training on circuitry in the future.
And then the sacral is also connected to the solar plexus through the 59-6.
They’re all connected together through this channel flow.
So we both have single definition.
Single definition, people, when it comes to music, I feel like they can be the kind of folks that don’t have a problem playing an open mic by themselves, playing solo shows, singer-songwriter style.
They may come up with music on their own.
They may write a complete song, like they have the tune, they have the lyrics, all of that.
And then they might bring it to a band as an already pretty complete framework of a song.
And then the band will elaborate on that and make it really great.
But usually, single definition folks don’t have any problem writing a whole song all on their own and then going and playing it at an open mic and feeling like it’s a complete song.
Split definition.
And this is what we talked about with Sean’s chart.
Split definition makes up for about 46% of the population.
So already between single and split definition, we’ve got over 80% of our population.
Global population has these two definitions.
This is what you’re going to encounter, what you’re most likely going to see.
Split definition, as I mentioned before, is where there’s a split.
There’s a gap in the defined centers.
You can see this in the graphic here.
If you’re watching the video, there’s, I have it in the image, there’s the head and Ajna defined, and the identity and the sacral defined with a split between them.
A split definition, folks, inherently need other people.
And if you have split definition, this could be something that maybe you used to feel when you were younger, or maybe you still feel this way now, that like you’re not complete without your partner.
You’re not complete without your best friend.
And sometimes when you find the person that bridges your split, where like they have the energy that you need in order to have that complete flow, that smooth flow between all your centers, you have a really hard time letting them go.
And this can sometimes in the shadow state, this can be something that can keep us in a relationship or in a partnership for far too long.
It can keep us with someone when it doesn’t make sense to us or anybody else because the energetics, the mechanics of the energy is keeping you with that person.
So just something to observe about yourself, look into your chart.
Do you have split definition?
Are you in any situations with other people where you know it’s not healthy, but you really can’t let them go and you can’t figure out what that missing piece is?
That could be a contributing factor is that you’re using part of their energy to get that complete flow, what we call bridging the split.
Here, you can see I have Sean’s chart on the left in this graphic, and I have Adele’s chart on the right.
In Sean’s chart, we talked about this in the podcast.
He has two different gates defined in his Ajna that are what we call hanging gates where they’re not a complete channel.
So we have gate 11 and gate 43 in the Ajna, wanting to connect to the throat to either gate 23 or 56.
He only needs one of those gates from someone or from the transits to connect his Ajna to his throat, and he would have a really nice, smooth, easy connection there.
I know gate 56 usually gets highlighted in, I think, late July, early August in Leo’s season.
Right now, Mars is retrograding cancer, and when it goes direct, it’s going to move over this gate.
So I’m interested to watch and see if he started working on a new song.
I wonder if he’s going to finish it during that time.
And so zoomed in here in the graphic, you can see a little bit more clearly how that split is, how that, where that gap is.
So all he needs is one of these two, and this is what we call a small split, where it only takes one gate to bridge the split.
On the right, you see Adele’s chart.
Here she has more, she has, well, the same number of defined centers, but just a different configuration.
Oh no, she has five, one, two, three, four, five defined centers.
So you can see her solar plexus is connected to her throat, which is connected to her identity center.
And then her will is connected to the spleen, but those two groupings are just not quite connected.
And the easiest way to get that connection for her would be if she came into contact with someone with Gate 57 or it happened in the transits.
Gate 57 would connect her spleen to her identity and throat and solar plexus, and that would make a smooth, nice smooth communication of those centers for her.
So, when you have a split like this, a small split where it just takes one gate, typically that’s where you might experience a lot of conditioning or some of the shadow energy in the gate that is missing.
You might act out of the energy of looking for that energy or trying to create it yourself when it’s not there, and that can create some not-self patterns and some conditioned patterns.
That’s something to look out for.
On the next slide, I have Pamela Anderson’s chart.
I couldn’t find somebody quickly enough that had a wide split definition that was a musician, so I grabbed hers because pretty much everybody knows who Pamela Anderson is.
And in this chart, she has the head and agena defined.
And then way down at the bottom of the chart, she has the spleen connected to the sacral.
But there’s, it would take more than one gate to bridge her split.
So this is an example of a large split or what we call a wide split, where she would need multiple gates to connect her spleen to her agena, or her sacral to her agena.
It’s a big split.
So she might need more than one person, or if there is one person like, oh, I haven’t looked at Tommy Lee’s chart.
But if I looked at, I’d be willing to bet if I look at Tommy Lee’s chart, he probably bridges this wide split for her, which would have made it, can make it a toxic relationship.
Now, if he, if they were super aligned and, and really self-aware people and it was a very loving relationship, then that split would, bridging that split is not a problem.
But it can be something that can cause someone else to really put themselves way in the back seat of having any control over their own life decisions.
When the person who’s bridging the split is kind of running the show, maybe if they’re a narcissist or just toxic, possibly addicted to things, they can be, it can be a really unhealthy relationship.
People who have split definition when it comes to music, as Sean and I kind of discussed in last week’s podcast episode, these are people that really need other people to move that energy.
And so it wasn’t until he was really working in tandem with his friend Aaron that he really began writing music.
And he was also like invited to write music.
He’s like, hey, you know, like, let’s make something here.
And that was when he just started writing.
He started writing more and more and more and more and more.
So triple split definition, it makes up for only about 11 percent of the population.
And this is where if you’re starting to catch on now how this works, here in triple split, there are three different groupings of defined centers.
In this image here, we have the head and Ajna defined together.
We have the identity and the will defined together.
And then we have the sacral root and spleen defined together.
But none of those three groupings are connected.
Triple split definition folks need regular, like a mix up of the energy that’s going to bridge their splits.
They tend to really enjoy having a large group of friends.
Maybe this can be a…
I don’t want anybody to take this to heart.
Like this is a hard and fast rule.
It’s not.
But folks with triple split definition may be more inclined to have a polyamorous kind of romantic situation, multiple partners.
And yeah, are more apt to be in a band, might need, might do better writing music with a full band rather than on their own.
They might get little bits of inspiration on their own, but then they need to bring that to a larger group to kind of really get that idea in that tune to really come through and solidify.
Here we have two examples of triple split definition folks.
We have Ashley Cox on the left.
She was back in last season episode.
Oh, I’m trying to remember, 20 something.
She was towards the end there.
Here in her chart, she has eight out of nine centers to find.
She has the head and nostril to find together.
She has the throat and solar plexus to find together.
And then the identity, sacral spleen, and root are all connected together.
But those three groupings are not connected together.
So she has triple split.
And in her episode, we actually talked about this a little bit.
I asked her, it’s one of the questions I ask in my intake form, is, do you prefer going to a large concert with thousands of other fans?
Do you prefer listening to music on your own at home, just like in a comfortable setting?
Or do you like a like small cafe kind of setting where there is some people around, but it’s not like a huge crowd?
And every time I interview somebody with a triple split, they always take the huge concert.
They want the huge concert because they’re going to get their bridges split in a lot of different ways.
And it can really move stuck energy when you allow yourself to be in a social situation like that, where you’re just getting these connections.
None of it’s really personal.
It’s just, it’s just you’re getting this energetic movement and flow between all of your centers.
And then you go home fully invigorated and with all this new, like, refreshed feeling.
So that’s one way to refresh your energy.
So like, you can be, I don’t want you to think that like, if you’re not in a polyamorous situation that you’re doing it wrong.
It’s not the case.
But if you have a triple split energy and say you are with a monogamous partner, it’s helpful to go out into large crowd situations as often as possible.
Because there can be this kind of stagnant kind of feeling that can come up when you’re just around the same one person all the time.
There can be this just like need to want to just get some energetic connections outside the relationship, and it doesn’t have to be romantic.
It can just be very casual and social.
And then we have quadruple split definition.
This is the rarest.
So I love talking about different aspects of the chart aside from type, because everybody gets fixated on type, and they think that they’re not special because they’re not a projector, or they’re not a manifester, or they’re not a reflector, because those are some of the less common types.
But you can be a generator and have quadruple split definition, and that’s super rare, okay?
It’s one of the ways you can be very, very rare and unique while still being an energy type that is a common energy type, okay?
We all have different, we’re all unique, okay?
So quadruple split is where you have four groups of energy centers that are connected, but they’re not connected together.
In order to have this, you have to have at least eight of your centers to find.
You can have all nine centers to find.
And like, as you have more and more centers defined in your chart, the likelihood of you having triple or quadruple split definition goes up.
The fewer centers you have defined, the less likely you’re going to have quadruple or triple, but you more likely will have single or split.
Just because the way that’s the way the way it works out with the way the channels and gates work.
So quadruple split definition.
Now, these are folks that don’t necessarily like the big crowds.
It can be a little too overwhelming.
Possibly they might like the smaller crowds or just being on their own or with really quadruple splits, really like a handful of close, intimate friends or one partner or their family unit.
And if they all bridge all of their splits, they want to keep a very steady group of people around them that are bridging those splits for them so that they can have a reliable way that they’re processing their energy.
They don’t like the mix up as much.
And this is the only way that they’re really getting and energy in through their chart is through their splits.
Because again, they have almost all of their centers defined, most likely eight or nine.
So when you have only one center undefined, that you’re going to be taking in a lot of information from the outside world through that one center.
And that can be a place of extreme conditioning for you.
But the bridges where your splits would bridge are also places where you’re taking in energy from the outside world.
And those can be highly conditioned places as well.
And so having, like I said, that set group of people that you can rely upon getting those bridges split, that’s most of the time people with quadruple split prefer that.
And I think it was Episode 26 when I talked with Karen Grossman.
She was the, I think, the only person I had on that had quadruple split definition.
Yeah, she has eight out of nine centers to find.
The only one she has open is the solar plexus.
She has the head and Ajna defined together, the throat and will defined together, the identity and sacral defined together, and the spleen and the root defined together.
And when we were talking to her in that interview, she was saying she did like going to shows, but it had to be a band that she was really, really into.
Like she was really, really into Pink Floyd, so she would go see them.
But in general, she had a hard time getting into the Grateful Dead scene.
She had a really hard time getting into that bigger, larger community.
And there’s other aspects of her chart that we talked about that could have, you know, supported her kind of needing to be just more on her own.
But yeah, people with quadruple split might be just like less inclined to go to the big stuff.
They might like more, just smaller shows that are more local and going with like one or two friends that they know really well, that they know that they they like their energy and how that feels.
This other chart example I have here is the pop artist Sabrina Carpenter.
You can hear her on the radio right now, if you tune in to 93Q.
She also has eight out of nine centers to find.
She has the Ajna to the throat, the identity to the will, the solar plexus to the root, and the sacral to the spleen.
So when it comes to making music, yeah, I see this as someone who really needs to work with, like they may be a solo artist, but they work with a team, like a very specific team, maybe with a band.
I could see probably also with a band, but somebody like Sabrina Carpenter, she’s got somebody who’s helping her write songs, she’s got a producer, she’s got all these people that are kind of around her supporting her.
But she’s not really like, she’s not really in a band.
And I haven’t seen her do any collaborations with anybody yet.
I’m not like super up to date on Sabrina Carpenter, but I do hear her on the radio.
But a lot of times pop artists will kind of team up with other pop artists, and they’ll make songs together like that.
Maybe she will eventually when she finds the right person.
So quadruple split folks, just they need a lot of time.
They need a lot of time to just feel through and process the people that are around, the transits they’re experiencing, the things they’re experiencing in life.
So I hope that you learned something about yourself today and maybe about some artists or famous people that you like around these different kinds of definition.
And to just key in in future episodes and listen when we talk about whether the artist we’re interviewing has single split, triple or quadruple.
And experiment for yourself with when it comes to not only going to see music, but just living life in general.
And allow yourself, like, if you don’t like going to big shows and you have quadruple split definition, then there’s your permission slip to not feel like you’re missing out, or like you have to make yourself enjoy going to a big show because everybody else loves it.
Like, don’t.
You can let go of that sort of thing.
So thank you for being here and enjoying, and I will see you on the next episode.
Hey, thanks again for being here.
If you could take a moment and rate and review and share the podcast with a friend who would enjoy it, I would be so grateful.
And if you yourself are a musician or songwriter who would like to be featured on the podcast, please go in the show notes and connect with me on email or Instagram.
Until next time, keep on rocking, my friends.